Exhibition created by Mirjana Vrbek and Suzana Buzjak
Exhibition design by Ante Serdar
Duration: from December 4, 2012 to November 15, 2013
About the exhibition: The exhibition has been transferred from the Zagreb-based Croatian Natural History Museum. The objective of the museum is to acquaint the general public with some wild flowers that humanity has through the ages used in both folk healing and in the pharmaceutical industry. It attempts to solve dilemmas about the healing powers and toxicity of wild plants in the light of the most recent scientific research and pharmaceutical knowledge. The answer that the exhibition provides inheres in the fact that a “simple” taken from nature can be a poison if it is used inexpertly. The exhibition also presents for the first time in Croatia exhibits of poisonous and therapeutic plants prepared in epoxy resins, in a new method developed by the curators of the botanical department of the CNHM. The exhibition includes the set-up of a herbalist’s room, a space in which the distillation and preparation of medicinal plants are carried out.